Do you want to slow the aging process and maintain your youthful appearance make sure that every day at your desk is one of the following ingredients?
In the list of anti-aging foods on the high place is green tea. Relieves a number of diseases of skin problems, arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure to heart disease, HIV, and even cancer. Encourage the production of growth hormone HGH, which is necessary to build muscle, but just the loss of muscle mass is one of the characteristic signs of aging. Maintains memory, concentration and other mental abilities. Clean the body of toxins, improves circulation, increases metabolism. Slows down the aging of the skin prevents its drying out and helps in the recovery of the skin from the harmful effect of the sun’s rays.
Cocoa holds the title of one of the healthiest foods in the world. Is rich in nutrients particularly stands out for its abundance of antioxidants that protect the body from the negative effects of free radicals, known causes of premature aging. Thanks to the high concentration of magnesium help in maintaining the health of the heart and brain as well as in the strengthening of good cheer. In addition to magnesium, cocoa is a rich treasure trove of other minerals such as iron, chromium, manganese, and zinc. It contains to the body much-needed vitamin C, then polyphenols which are good protection against cancer and omega-6 fatty acids that maintain brain vitality. Feeds, nurtures, protects and moisturizes the skin and has been proven and its effectiveness in relieving scars and stretch marks. But not every cocoa is a good choice. When shopping, be careful and choose only pure, organic cocoa.
Consumption of red berries significantly contributes to the preservation of health and vitality. In this group are red grapes, cranberries, currants, strawberries, raspberries and other fruits of this type that contains lots of antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenols, phytonutrients, fiber and other valuable nutrients. Tasty red berries profusely feed organism, prevent many unwanted health complications and help to preserve the beauty of the whole body. Modern medicine has confirmed their anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties as well as positive effects on metabolism, heart, liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. They reduce the frequency of occurrence of many types of cancer, with emphasis on gastrointestinal cancer, lung, ovary, pancreas, esophagus. Almost all the fruits of this group contain large amounts of water and are ideal for hydrating the body, and thus to preserve the beauty and youthful appearance of the skin.
The organic sesame oil is regarded as a very good help in the fight against the “ravages of time”. It is the real treasure trove of vitamins A, E and B, minerals, calcium, protein and unsaturated fatty acids. Hydrates purify and nourish the skin, which after treatment with this oil becomes fresh, soft, smooth and shiny. It is especially suitable for sensitive skin and insufficient blood vessel network. Improves blood circulation strengthens the immune system, reduces joint pain and prevents and slows the growth and development of skin cancer. Studies have confirmed that sesame oil acts as a natural SPF 4 because of rejects about 25% of the sun’s rays. It is perfect for hair and scalp care.
In addition to cooking, coconut oil has in recent years become very popular and in alternative medicine. Its use has no side effects and is particularly suitable for skin care, hair, and nails. Skin hydrates and nourishes make it softer and more elastic, and also prevents the formation of wrinkles and age spots. Nurtures, nourishes, strengthens and regenerates hair. It is very important for maintaining the health of the internal organs. Coconut oil is very good for lowering cholesterol and the absorption of important vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron. For swelling, rheumatism and joint pain massage oil coconut contributes relief and easing the pain.
See 5 Excellent Anti-Ageing Foods