Hair Women / Girls

Right Way To Wash Your Hair

After, all old habits die slowly – if at all! Why is all this important? Because if you aren’t washing your hair properly, your mane isn’t as healthy and as glowing as it really could be. And if you’re like most girls, your hair will be one of your favourite assets.
For a better hair care routine, let’s take a look at how to wash hair properly, including mistakes you need to iron out.

Soak Your Hair:

Do you soak your hair? If you don’t, now is the time to start soaking. Before you apply your shampoo, I suggest that you first rinse your hair for a minute. Then, soak it in water for around another minute or two. You should always soak your hair in lukewarm water, as hot water can make your hair dry. What are the benefits of soaking? The number one benefit is that it opens up the pores of your scalp.

Never Over Wash:

If you wash your hair more than three times a week, you’re washing it too much. You might think that only washing it two or three times a week is gross, but it’s actually the sensible thing to do if you want better looking, healthier hair. There is no need to wash your hair each day.

You Also Don’t Need To Lather, Rinse And Repeat:

If you wash your hair almost every day of the week, you probably also think that it’s gross not to lather, rinse and repeat when it comes to shampooing. Why? Because there is no need to use so much shampoo! In fact, probably the only good reason I can think of that we’re told to use so much shampoo is because the shampoo companies want us to keep buying more of their products.

Rinse With Cold Water:

Raise your hand if you rinse with warm or even hot water. I reckon a good 80% of you just raised your hand (at least mentally – I know it’s a bit weird to raise your hand in front of the screen!). Rinsing with warm or hot water is a bad idea. Instead, you should always try to rinse with cold water. In fact, I can’t think of a circumstance when you wouldn’t rinse with cold water. Why is this? Removing shampoo and conditioner with cold water is more effective because it seals in the moisture in your strands and also closes the cuticles.

Don’t Rub Too Harshly:

If you’re not in a hurry, you should towel dry your hair. BUT you should not rub your scalp too hard. Why? Because rubbing your head too harshly after washing in a bid to get your hair to dry quicker can easily cause breakage. In time, it can cause your mane to look very dull indeed. I think most of us are guilty of rubbing our head too harshly, and this might be something you need to work on. Take your time and be gentle to your hair. Don’t rush, have a bit of patience.

Always Detangle:

Detangling is definitely something many of us don’t do. You should always aim to detangle your locks during the shampooing process – before you wash your hair. Why? Because when you detangle, you essentially are easing the hair knots. When your hair is wet, it is is a LOT harder to detangle. This is because wet hair has been weakened, and is thus more fragile. I suggest that you divide your hair into four sections for easier detangling.
Stay beautiful!!!

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