According oldies 2016 has ben the year of the F$#kboy. Do I agree with this lewd statement? Well maybe. I strongly believe this coming 2017 Yoruba demons(not only Yoruba guys, all guys) should put down their white agbada and start behaving and acting like gentlemen towards ladies.
This coming year, ladies deserve these important 11 things below…
1. A man that brags about her to all of his friends, because he genuinly believes he’s dating the most amazing woman in the world
2. A man that makes her feel beautiful, even when she’s sick or in her oversized pajamas.
3. A man that is honest with her, even when the truth stings.
4. A man that sets aside time to spend with her, even if he has to rearrange his schedule.
5. A man that’s willing to listen to her favorite music and watch her favorite shows, even if he dislikes them.
6. A man that loves her for her personality, and not just her beauty.
7. A man that loves cuddling (almost) as much as he loves sex.
8. A man that she could talk to until 2AM without running out of things to say.
9. A man that still tries to woo her, long after she becomes his girlfriend.
10. A man that she finds physically and mentally attractive.
11. A man that holds her hand (and touches her butt) in public.
Love Relationship
11 Things Women Deserve From Men In 2017