Hello fellow fashion lovers, what fashion plans have you made for 2017? have you always found it difficult to stay stylish? Is dressing up well and looking glamorous equivalent to a task for you? Is your wardrobe full of boring clothes? Here I present you with 5 ways to improve your fashion sense. Like I said earlier I intend to help you not only to look glamorous, but also to stay glamorous in the long run all through 2017 so stay tuned!!!!
Understand yourself: No two people are the same. Everyone has got a different body type and different personality. Hence, the most important thing is to study the way you look. Find out if you have got a pear, apple or ruler-shaped body. Take note if your complexion is fair, dark, pale or dusky. Also try and understand if your style is more laid-back or sassy, simple or s3xy, or if it is sporty or sophisticated. Similarly learn more factors about your looks. Only on the basis of that will you be able to go to the next step.
Wear stuff that suits you the best: There are different things that suit different people on the basis of their looks, personality, age and body. For instance, a tight, short top doesn’t look good on a lady who has got more fat around her stomach. However, it looks completely fab on someone who is blessed with a perfectly curved figure. Similarly, dark colours look great on fair skin; however, they don’t seem to suit people having a darker complexion. Moral of the story: If you want to look good, you have to wear something that suits you well, rather than wearing something that only looks good by itself.
Dare to take risks: If you turn up dressing in a particular way all the time, people will get bored of you. It is completely okay to experiment with your look sometimes. Try different things, different outfits, different accessories, different hairdos, different makeup and so on. You may come across something that really suits you and that you didn’t know about.
Go shopping every now and then: Keep yourself updated with the latest trends available in the market. Even if you are out of cash, go window-shopping sometimes so that you have an idea as to what’s in and what’s not. Occasionally, make a note of the things that you have been using too much, and then replace it with something new.
Throw out what is not required: Take a closer look at your wardrobe and get rid of things that are outdated or don’t suit you anymore. If you are not going to wear something, why keep it with you? If it is kept in your wardrobe, there’s always a chance that you get tempted to wear it sometime. So it is better that you get rid of it as soon as possible.
Stay Glamorous and Beautiful this new year.
Tips To Improving Your Fashion Sense In 2017