Keeping fit is a goal that we must always adhere to; there is no waiting period, no pauses, fitness is a lifestyle and the sooner you understand this, the better for your body. One of the first rules of keeping fit is watching what goes into your mouth.
Every fit fam knows the importance of staying clear of the meals or snacks that add too much calories into your system however there are some snacks that are healthy sources of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates is what your body needs to produce energy and to keep you moving so its not a mineral that you can write off.
Here are 3 snacks that you thought were not healthy enough for you;
Bananas are a high source of carbohydrates, fat and are almost always too sugary but its only too much if you go with the one’s that are overly ripe. The green bananas however are not a problem.
Cereals is a quick snack that we fall back on when there is absolutely nothing to eat or we have to munch down something before we head out. Some cereals contain too much of everything but the whole grain cereals are not bad for you.
Popcorn is a crowd favorite, the yummy and tasty snack doesn’t intrude on your weight loss goals, asides from the fact that it is rich in fibre, a cup of pop corn contains just 30 calories therefore you can have four cups without affecting your weight loss goals.
Diet & Nutrition Fitness Health
3 Snacks To Help You Lose Weight