You’ve probably heard that foods are either acidic or alkaline. But what you might not know is that many of us eat more acidic foods than we do alkaline. This can create problems with our Ph balancing system, sending it out of whack so that we don’t feel 100%. When we don’t alkalise our body properly via our diet, symptoms can arise, and they include indigestion and fatigue.
Alkaline needs to dominate your system, but it can only do this if you eat the right foods. Let’s take a look at some of the most alkaline foods you should include as part of your health lifestyle.
Leafy green vegetables: Leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, are rich in minerals, vitamins, phyto-chemicals and antioxidants. Spinach is particularly amazing, and has a total Ph of 9.0. Kale, meanwhile, has a cooked Ph of 6.8. That’s still pretty good! Both are ideal for getting more alkaline into your body, though the amount of minerals and vitamins they have varies. Spinach, for example, is rich in folate, vitamin K, iron and fibre, while kale is rich in antioxidants and can reduce bad cholesterol levels, fight cancer and cleanse your body.
Garlic: Garlic is a proper miracle food that dieticians, health experts and nutritionists agree you should try to eat each day. And when you think about how a pinch of garlic compliments so many dishes, this is actually easier than you might have thought. It can be added to pasta, soups … pretty much anything you can think of! It’s ideal for alkalising your body, but as well as this it also boosts you immunity, reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease, lowers blood pressure and aids your overworked liver.
Avocado: Avocado is a great choice of alkaline food if you’re looking to get healthier. It’s super easy to prepare can be added to a variety of meals, light lunches and sandwiches. You could even blend it and add to a tasty smoothie! People point out that avocado has a high fat content, which it does. But it’s high in good fats, such as omega 9, which your body needs if it’s too fight off all that acid. Avocado can also lower bad cholesterol levels, and it looks after your heart, too. Vitamins and minerals that it contains include fibre, potassium, folate, vitamin C and vitamin B6.
Watermelon: Watermelon is very watery. It’s also high in essential vitamins and minerals, and has an incredibly Ph level of 9.0. As such, it’s ideal for cleansing out your system and restoring your Ph levels so that you feel awesome everyday.
Bell Peppers: The exotic-looking bell power is a bit of a super power. But not only is it amazingly alkaline, it’s also delicious and comes with a crunch. It’s a star. Bell peppers are rich in a rather astonishing amount of antioxidants that include carotenoids, flavonoids and cinnamic acid. You will also find carotenoids in carrots, but the bell pepper is your best source for them because it contains a whopping THIRTY different types!
Cucumber: Cucumber is a popular choice with those of us who aren’t too keen on eating whole vegetables. It’s 95% water, which means that it’s the perfect way to battle dehydration. It’s also a great energy booster, cucumber contains antioxidants, most of which are lignans that lower your risk of developing heart disease and cancer. Vitamins and minerals it contains include potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium and zinc.
Bananas: Everyone knows that the banana USP is its high potassium content, but it’s also a very alkaline food that is dense in all kinds of essential vitamins and minerals. However, you should always aim to eat ripe bananas as these are more alkaline than unripe ones, which are too acidic.
Stay happy and healthy!
Diet & Nutrition
7 Alkaline Foods You Should Include In Your Diet